Friday, 29 June 2012

Vinyl Stickers for Beach Hotels

Beaches are the best natural places for recreations. Summer holidays on a beach are always memorable. In the past, people use to visit beaches for a day due to the lack of few basic facilities. Now we see attractive advertisement of beach hotels and suits for newlyweds and family holidays.
The business of beach hotels is profitable only when you customers feel satisfaction and relaxation from the hectic city routine. Beaches are already very beautiful success of the hotel also depends on the location and size of your hotel. Décor of your hotel is also very important and vinyl stickers can play an important role in getting you more customers.
I often visit beaches and stay in the nearby hotels. From that experience I would like to give you some tips regarding the use of vinyl stickers. If you are planning to open a beach hotel and you have reasonable budget then these tips will help to secure your investment.
·         This is really big and demanding business. Don’t try to enter in it with low budget. Make you mind very clear that this is a long term investment. The main reason is that, this business is seasonal and it takes time to make a good repute in the field of hotels.
·         Once you have taken the hotel and you are ready to open it STOP! Did you check the décor of your hotel? Oh you have to hire some professional for that and it will cost you heavy. So what to do now? Simple use vinyl stickers they are the best solution.
·         Select the theme for your décor. Theme means what impression you are going to give. Select the one which suits your hotel and the beach. Mainly hotels use blue, indigo and white theme for a soothing effect.
·         Now after selecting the theme you can just leave it like that but I will recommend using the images as vinyl stickers. You can use them very differently
·         Creativity does wonders. It not only saves money but makes simple things attractive. When we talk about beach hotels then creativity comes first. I have seen any simple hotels with extra ordinary creative décor. Like, once I went to some beach site and I saw beautiful stickering in one of the beach hotel. 
·         You can use sea view images for the bedrooms or best is to use the beach view stickers as the back of the bed. It will give your customers a feel that they are sleeping on beach.
·         At the entrance counter you can use bamboo image vinylstickers as green is a soothing color and it will give a natural look.
·         You can use special images for the honeymoon suits. I prefer rising sun images for that. You can also use the pure white n sky theme for these suits.
The purpose of this article was just to give you an idea about the use of vinyl stickers. They are attractive and less costly. Don’t forget to invite me in your beach hotel.
Business of beach hotels is very profitable. You have to take care of some things specially the décor. You vinyl stickers can help you in this is the theme of the article.

Printingblue offers its customized services for the vinyl stickers, cd sleeves, cd sticker printing at very low rates.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Sticker Printing Saving Millions

Stickers are all around you. Latest technology made their quality so high that sometimes one gets confuse whether it is a sticker or an originally printed stuff. People often confound car stickers as painted. Some people are of the view that sticker printing is just limited to fun stuff and it is a childish thing but folks this view is totally wrong. In this article I will tell you how multinationals and progressive companies use these stickers to save their money. Yes! Do you know the battery you charge daily in your mobile is dependent on these sticker likewise other electric appliances. The sticker quality they use is so good that we consider it as a printed stuff.
These adhesive stickers are used as:
Battery Stickers
Acid Batteries and other rechargeable items have some instructions on them to make their use easy for people. You can also see the brand name on battery. Battery manufacturers use stickers, as they are very important for the application. Instead of using molds for non-sharp etching which is highly costly companies use stickers for mentioning their name and instructions. When it comes to acid batteries special sticker printing is done because these stickers have to bear extreme temperature, humidity rough handling and corrosive nature of acid.

Electronic Component Stickers
These stickers are used for labeling electronic circuits and small electric parts. Polyimide labels are very good in quality and they provide extra resistance against chemicals and stains. These stickers are specially designed according to their use. Companies also use these stickers to save their million dollar complicates stickers. They use it for identifications and instructions. You can see them on different computer circuits. The instructions on them are actually the guidelines which help the engineer to identify problem. They are also helpful in enhancing the performance of product.

In-mould Stickers
Some stickers are integral. You cannot change these stickers they are forever use. Mainly you can see them on car engines, compressors and on machinery parts showing manufacturing date or any other important instructions. In-mould sticker printing is done because the information and brand name remains with the product, lifelong. These stickers are pasted on specific parts during the product manufacturing and they weld themselves with the product forever. If you are fond of exploring, you must have noticed even in toys that there are small parts in their machinery with instructions or a code. They are in-mould labels.
Security labels
These stickers are mainly used for security checks and for scanning purposes. These stickers are very different from normal ones. A unique feature of these labels is the tracking system and added level of security by which you can track easily. In this sticker printing they print your company logo, any number expressed in figures or some words as a code. These labels are widely used for the tracking of containers during shipment. In airport they paste such stickers to identify the luggage which has been checked. These are some serious and highly professional uses of these stickers. You see how companies use this fun stuff to save money and to track their shipments.

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